Guía Trofeos Devil May Cry 1


agosto 9, 2009
Cualquier informacion sobre los trofeos que este contrastada personalmente por varios usuarios sera bien recibida en la guia.

yo de momento lo dejo con una pasada completada, me voy al DMC 2 y despues de una pasada ire al DMC 3, no me quiero centrar mucho en un solo juego que ya es suficiente los 3 juegos como para encima hacer 3 pasadas a cada uno.
diciembre 10, 2007
joder no me acordaba lo jodido que era en los niveles mas altos,recomiendo intentar hacer las misiones secretas en la primera partida en normal porque yo lo estoy intentando en nivel dificil y ya he tenido que dejar 2 porque no tenia huevos a pasarmelas ya que de una hostia media vida me va a tocar seguramente volver a pasarmelo en normal otra vez para esas misiones
febrero 1, 2012
Chicos, alguno sabe como puedo elegir el modo facil? En el juego de PS2 te dejaban elegirlo si te mataban en las primeras misiones pero aqui no me aparece y yo en modo normal me veo incapaz. Phantom me costo 3 intentos y Neo Angelo me es imposible.

Tambien he leido que lo mejor es guardar mucho pero solo veo la opcion de guardar al completar las misiones. Se puede grabar de alguna otra forma?
julio 2, 2009
esta buena tu guia pero podrias subir algun video de como conseguir los orbes azules ya que eh estado buscando y no hay nada y nada mas me falta uno y no lo encuentro en ningun lado
diciembre 14, 2010
me puede decir alguien como va el tema de tener todos los enemigos en los archivos me lo e pasado en todos los niveles y no me dan el trofeo


noviembre 27, 2010
en todos los niveles???
--- [ Añadido ] -----
Hola alguien me puede decir como se hace la primera mision secreta es que no me sale??
Última edición:
diciembre 31, 2010
Creo que es la mision con mas maña, yo lo que hize fue cuando la sin scissor me atacara, bloquearlo dando un espadazo y asi la atontas y darle con la escopeta, me llevo unos intentos, aqui dejo unos videos de un chavo que se pasa todo el juego en dante must die con las misiones secretas pasadas en esa dificultad sin duda de mucha ayuda

playlist?list=PL1DDAA592333D69A7&feature=g-user-a (solo pongan a lado el link de youtube no me dejo por ser nuevo :rototepega:)

Yo lo que siento que me jodera el platno es lo de "eres Transparente" estaria bien que pusieras una especificacion de cada enemigo, ya que asi se facilitara mas, por que como dice un usuario que atacarlo y asi sale. Pues no, de hecho no, hay enemigos que tienes que hacer cierta cosa para que haga cierta cosa y asi desbloque la entrada.

Ejemplo: Shadow hay una entrada que te pide subir a la lanza que saca cuando te ataque. Me salio de suerte jaja, debes de atacar con cierta arma o hacer cierta accion especifica, creo que es el trofeo mas dificil, o mas jodido, estaria bien que hagan una guia con esas especificaciones


o miren encontre esto ps2/445101-devil-may-cry/faqs/32417 (al principio del enlace pongan www gamefaqs com ya saben eso de ser nuevo es de joda. Si gustan poner los links estaria bien es una gran ayudda aunque este, este en ingles de buena ayuda un simple traductor y listo)
Última edición:
diciembre 10, 2007
@Yitan_55 dijo:
Creo que es la mision con mas maña, yo lo que hize fue cuando la sin scissor me atacara, bloquearlo dando un espadazo y asi la atontas y darle con la escopeta, me llevo unos intentos, aqui dejo unos videos de un chavo que se pasa todo el juego en dante must die con las misiones secretas pasadas en esa dificultad sin duda de mucha ayuda

playlist?list=PL1DDAA592333D69A7&feature=g-user-a (solo pongan a lado el link de youtube no me dejo por ser nuevo :rototepega:)

Yo lo que siento que me jodera el platno es lo de "eres Transparente" estaria bien que pusieras una especificacion de cada enemigo, ya que asi se facilitara mas, por que como dice un usuario que atacarlo y asi sale. Pues no, de hecho no, hay enemigos que tienes que hacer cierta cosa para que haga cierta cosa y asi desbloque la entrada.

Ejemplo: Shadow hay una entrada que te pide subir a la lanza que saca cuando te ataque. Me salio de suerte jaja, debes de atacar con cierta arma o hacer cierta accion especifica, creo que es el trofeo mas dificil, o mas jodido, estaria bien que hagan una guia con esas especificaciones


o miren encontre esto ps2/445101-devil-may-cry/faqs/32417 (al principio del enlace pongan www gamefaqs com ya saben eso de ser nuevo es de joda. Si gustan poner los links estaria bien es una gran ayudda aunque este, este en ingles de buena ayuda un simple traductor y listo)
este mas o menos si lo traduces con google lo entiendes


agosto 9, 2009
Cada vez hay mas informacion sobre los trofeos del juego, en las proximas semanas ire actualizando cada una de las guias del DMC Collection, de DMC 1 y DMC 2 tenia poca informacion cuando abri el post, ahora puedo ir completandolo mas, para la guia simplemente ponia lo que yo hacia y ponia algo de informacion de otras fuentes, pero no es lo mismo, ya que algunas cosas son complicadas y no son faciles de sacar por uno mismo.

el DMC 3 al ser el ultimo que salio en PS2 hay muchisima mas informacion y lo jugue tambien en PS2 con lo que es mas facil hacer la guia, asi que ire actualizando poco a poco las guias para dejarlas completas al 100%.


agosto 14, 2010
Los Cab♥s
@altair1980 dijo:
esta buena tu guia pero podrias subir algun video de como conseguir los orbes azules ya que eh estado buscando y no hay nada y nada mas me falta uno y no lo encuentro en ningun lado
Yo Encontre los Videos de Todos los Fragmentos por Mision, Osea donde estan localizados, Espero te Sirva.
@Skorpion, Creo que estos videos Podrían ser utiles en la Guia para el Trofeo de "Diablo Azul" & el de "Secreto en el Aire" Para las Misiones Secretas, Adjunto las descripciones de Estas Tambien ;)

Fragmentos 1-14 (Mission 1 - 6)

Fragmentos 15-27 (Mission 7 - 14)

Fragmentos 28-37 (Mission 15 and 16)

Fragmentos 38-44 (Mission 17 - 21)

Todas las Misiones Secretas, Donde estan, Como realizarlas Etc.
Descripcion de las Misiones Secretas:

En la Mision 4 “Crías dePhantom(2)” Al derrotar a Phantom y salir caminando por el pasillo del que venimos originalmente, el saldra de nuevo, el objetivo aqui esta en dirigirnos al final del Pasillo y entrar en la habitacion donde podemos comprar items, La mision secreta sera exactamente igual a la de "Crias de Phantom"
En la Mision 4 “ Las Tres Bestias” ,Tras acabar con el Shadow del patio, tenemos que entrar en la sala del avión, activar el emblema y baja por la plataforma-ascensor.

Y Lucha contra los Shadows(solo tendrás una oportunidad para lograrlo)
En la Mision 3,“Impacto Crítico” Tras derrotar a Phantom, ve por la puerta de enfrente y déjate caer al agua.
Elimina a la Parca de un solo disparo en su punto débil. Para ello esgrime tu espada contra sus tijeras y aprovecha el momento justo en el que las aparta y dispárale a la cara con la escopeta.

En la Mision 4, “Crías de Phantom” Nada más empezar vuelve a entrar en la catedral.
Acaba con 100 crías de Phantom, antes de que se agote el tiempo.
Para ello equípate con las pistolas y dispara sin parar.
En la Mision 11, “ Fantasmas Errantes” Sal por la puerta por la que has entrado al comienzo.
Adquiere la gema azul que flota en el aire
Para ello pega un salto doble y utiliza a las parcas como trampolín.
En la Mision 7, ¡Ojo con los Kylops!” Al regresar por los canales hacia la salida debemos entrar en la puerta donde nos salieron por primera vez los insectos, la Mision secreta trata de que ambas arañas se destruyan enter si sin que nos otros podamos itnervenir.
En intervalo entre las misiones 13 y 14 “ Celda Acuática" Se encuentra en el Capitan del Barco, tenemos que inundar todo y acercanos a el apretando el boton X, el objetivo es simple, debemos matar a las 8 lagartijas .
En la Mision 15 “ Tesoro de la Guadaña” Debemos dar vuelta atras hacia el elevador por el que subimos en la mision 14 y presionamos el boton cirulo, en esta mision debemos derrotar a 3 Shadows Nuevamente.
En la Mision 16 “Escaleras de la Tranquilidad” Debemos salir de el Coliseo y volver a entrar, Tendremos que saltar sobre los Craneos hasta Alcanzar el fragmento de Orb Azul y acabara la mision.
En la Mision 16 Sombras en la oscuridad” Tras derrotar a Nightmare vuelve a la sala del avión.
Es el mismo combate de siempre, solo que esta vez hay cuatro shadows,(dos en la sala del avión, una en el hall del castillo y la ultima en la sala del puente donde estan las rejas).
En la Mision 17“Gema azul Celeste”, Al iniciarlo debemos ir hacia el otro lado de el puente, una vez que llegemos ahi, iniciara la mision, debemos subir por la estructura que tiene la puerta del castillo, cuando estemos en la parte mas alta, ( Ignorando al Enemigo, Si no puedes hacerla con el ahi, puedes matalo)
Utilizamos el poder de dante para convertirse en demonio y volamos hacia atras, llendo hacia el otro lado del puente, el objetivo aqui es recoger el fragmento de orb azul mientras volamos, este esta situado en el medio.
En la Mision 21“Brazalete Escondido” Nos vamos hacia el lado derecho, pulsando el boton circulo en la pared de enfrente de la estatua del Custodio del tiempo , una vez en ella, el objetivo es recorrer todos los caminos hasta encontrar el item que se nos pide, es un poco dificil explicarla por el hecho de los distintos caminos a recorrer pero en el video viene detallada, ( Esta Mision esta Al Final de el Video )

EDITO: Encontre la Descipcion detallada de esta mision:
Avanza por el laberinto carnoso siempre tomando el camino de la izquierda y acabando con los Nobodies para romper los hechizos que taponan las diferentes salidas, tras cargarte al primer Nobody encontraras un fragmento de gema azul, finalmente llegaras a un área con dos Frosts, elimínalos y sube por las plataformas de la derecha. Te las veras de nuevo con “el dragón” para eliminarle dispárale un par de meteoros y se despedazará, continua por las plataformas de la izquierda, sube hasta ver un ojo-ascensor, súbete a él, salta al ojo de más arriba y luego salta a la plataforma de la parte más alta, donde podrás coger el Brazalete del tiempo.
Última edición:


agosto 9, 2009
@Miishii dijo:
@altair1980 dijo:

Yo Encontre los Videos de Todos los Fragmentos por Mision, Osea donde estan localizados, Espero te Sirva.
@Skorpion, Creo que estos videos Podrían ser utiles en la Guia para el Trofeo de "Diablo Azul" & el de "Secreto en el Aire" Para las Misiones Secretas, Adjunto las descripciones de Estas Tambien ;)

Fragmentos 1-14 (Mission 1 - 6)

Fragmentos 15-27 (Mission 7 - 14)

Fragmentos 28-37 (Mission 15 and 16)

Fragmentos 38-44 (Mission 17 - 21)

Todas las Misiones Secretas, Donde estan, Como realizarlas Etc.


muchas gracias por la info, algo tenia localizado yo pero asi directamente lo pongo como tu aportacion y la guia queda completa.
septiembre 15, 2008
hola tios encontre esta guia para todas las entradas de archivos de enemigos , ojo pero esta en ingles

1. Enemy Files

Initially your list will be empty, but when you encounter a new enemy, its name
will be added to the files. When you first meet it, you only know its name. As
you fight the enemy, its abilities, weaknesses, strength, etc, and information
about it will be added to the file.

I'll write the paragraph about the attack the enemy does, then I'll give the
method to obtain it.

2.1 Marionette/Bloody mari

Paragraph 1 - They are low-class evil spirits that borrow the bodies of puppets
in order to exist in a physical state.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - Sometimes they use guns to attack. They have a habit of twirling
their wrists before firing, which make spinning sounds.

Method - Watch them fire their shotguns.

Paragraph 3 - The daggers they throw travel in a straight line. If you can see
The enemy preparing to attack, you should be able to avoid being

Method - Watch them throw their daggers.

Paragraph 4 - They will also throw crescent-shaped blades that curve round
obstacles to attack you. Keep a sharp eye and watch their

Method - Watch them throw their blades.

Paragraph 5 - If they catch you, they will not let go easily and will try to
slash and gash at you neck. Wiggle the Left Analog Stick to shake
them off.

Method - Let them leap onto you.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 6 - They will make a screeching evil war cry to immobilize those near
them. If you become immobilized, quickly move the Left Analog
Stick back and forth to free yourself.

Method - Get caught in the 'sphere' of the war cry.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 7 - Since they exist as physical entities, they can be destroyed by
physical means. Use guns, swords and other ways
to scatter them to oblivion!

Method - Destroy the enemy.

2.2 Sin Scissors

Paragraph 1 - They are one of the low-class evil spirits that can only exist
by taking the shape of physical objects. These evil spirits
have chosen deadly scissors as their shape.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - These evil spirits are dependent on the masks they wear. They
cannot exist without them.

Method - Destroy the enemy.

Paragraph 3 - Their capes are nothing then illusions created by the evil
spirits. All physical attacks against them are useless and
easily blocked.

Method - Try to attack their cape.

Paragraph 4 - When they descend with their scissors, there's a short moment of
time when they are off guard. If you attack at the right moment,
you'll be able to damage them critically.

Method - Watch them descend.

Paragraph 5 - They deflect attacks using their scissors. If you knock the
scissors out of their hands, they will become defenseless.
This is your chance to blast your gun at them.

Method - Use Alastor to hit their scissors to stun them. You'll know if
you did it successfully, as they will hold the scissors only
with one hand instead of two.

Paragraph 6 - If you fire at close range when their masks are defenseless, you
can eliminate them with one shot.

Method - After stunning them, use the shotgun from point blank to kill
them with one shot.
When they're stunned, they are usually facing slightly to their
right, which is Dante's left. So it usually helps if, after
stunning them, you walk forward and to your left before firing.
This is also how you pass Secret Mission 1.

Paragraph 7 - Although it is difficult to evade the attack they execute after
they surround you, don't give up. There is still a chance to
counter attack.

Method - Watch them circle you to attack you.

2.3 Sin Scythe

Paragraph 1 - These evil spirits have scythes instead of scissors

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - Like the Sin Scissors they are dependent on their masks. They
cannot exist without them.

Method - Destroy the enemy.

Paragraph 3 - Their capes are nothing then illusions created by the evil
spirits. All physical attacks against them are useless and easily

Method - Try to attack their cape.

Paragraph 4 - The large spinning scythe attack is an expression of the Sin's
hatred and anger

Method - Watch them throw their scythe.

Paragraph 5 - You have to be quick on your feet to evade the returning scythe of
the boomerang scythe attacks.

Method - When they throw the scythe at you, avoid it and let it returns.

Paragraph 6 - The umbrella-like shape that appears is a nucleus that gathers
evil spirits and converts them into its own energy. When this
occurs, they become even more fierce.

Method - As the battle goes on, eventually they will use this move, just be

Paragraph 7 - They'll stab their prey with their scythes and immobilize them to
steal their souls. Quickly move the Left Analog Stick back and
forth to free yourself from death.

Method - Only after they use their umbrella move will they use this attack.
Just let the attack hit you.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 8 - The attack executed after surrounding you is deadly. Watch them
closely; if they start circling, do your best to avoid being hit.

Method - Watch them circle you to attack you.

Paragraph 9 - If you succeed in deflecting the scythes, you'll be able to create
an opening for attack.

Method - Use Alastor to hit their scythe to stun them.

Paragraph 10 - The scythes that fly at you can be deflected with your guns if
you engage your Devil Trigger.

Method - When they throw their scythes at you, go into Devil Trigger state
and blast away with your guns. Its easiest with the handguns cos
of their accuracy.

Paragraph 11 - Guns are very effective against these evil sprits, since they've
only fought with ancient knights who used swords. Use your guns
to blast them out of the air.

Method - Use your guns on them.

Paragraph 12 - If the gun is shot from a close range when their masks are
defenseless, you'll be able to eliminate them with one shot.

Method - After stunning them, use the shotgun from point blank to kill
them with one shot.
As they tend to fly higher then the Sin Scissors, it's easier to
kill them if you jump first before firing.

2.4 Death Scissors

Paragraph 1 - The part that looks like a cow's skull is their main body. Their
evil is much stronger and tougher when compared to the Sin's.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - They use many staffs made from bones of animals and humans to
create an evil barrier.

Method - Try to exit out of the barrier.

Paragraph 3 - Their screw attacks are accurate and very destructive. Dodge to
escape these attacks.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 4 - It's unwise to fight these evil spirits from the surface. Use the
devil trigger to take the fight into the air.

Method - Use the devil trigger while in the air and attack it.

Paragraph 5 - The head of the main body is their weak point. But regular guns
won't have much effect against it.

Method - Fire your guns at it's head.

Paragraph 6 - The most effective way to fighting them is if you find a way to
attack their horns, which are their weakpoints.

Method - Do a jump slash while above them to hit their horns.

Paragraph 7 - Their capes are nothing then illusions created by the evil
spirits. All physical attacks against them are useless and easily

Method - Try to attack their cape.

Paragraph 8 - They are more powerful then the "Sins". They will most likely
counter Dante's attack by deflecting it.

Method - Use Alastor to hit their scissors.

Paragraph 9 - Occasionally they concentrate the evil in their heads, which turn
red. When this occurs, all of your attacks become ineffective. If
you are caught in this situation, do your best to dodge their

Method - When its head glows red, watch the following attack.

2.5 Death Scythe

Paragraph 1 - These are the strongest, the highest ranking, and the most evil of
all the "Sins".

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - Their deadly physical attacks from above must be avoided. If you
are hit, critical damage will be inevitable.

Method - Watch it descend to attack you.

Paragraph 3 - The tornadoes that propel their pray into the are sprits in the
atmosphere that were forced to comply with their evil ways. How
you utilize them to you advantage will test your quality as a
Devil Hunter.

Method - Walk onto the swirling circle on the floor.

Paragraph 4 - If you use the power of the tornado to your advantage, you should
be able to jump anywhere you want to go.

Method - When the tornado propels you upwards, jump while inside it.

Paragraph 5 - When the Death Scythes become desperate during a prolonged battle,
they will throw their four blades. Attack and destroy them as
quickly as you possibly can. Don't give them any time to get a
hold of the scythes.

Method - Wait for them to carry all four scythes.

Paragraph 6 - Their capes are nothing then illusions created by the evil
spirits. All physical attacks are useless. Meaningless attacks
will only make them counter attack! Jump higher then the enemy and
attack with accuracy from above.

Method - Try to attack their cape.

Paragraph 7 - When you strike the actual scythe itself, the enemy will flinch.
Since it is rarely off guard, attack it with all you've got!

Method - Use Alastor to hit their scythe. As they are the most powerful,
you need to be in Devil Trigger state to stun them.

2.6 Shadow

Paragraph 1 - It has evil spells covering its body, thus allowing it to deflect
all sword attacks. It's am evil sprit that takes form from its own
shadows. But they can also take on other forms by changing the
spells on its body.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - In its shadow form, all sword attacks are deflected. This is
because it remembers the weapons from its fights with the ancient
knights. However, firearms seem to be an exception.

Method - While in its cat-form, attack it with Alastor.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 3 - It releases magical powers instantaneously in order to deflect
certain attacks. At the same time, the magical powers are shot
toward the enemy. It is very difficult to avoid being hit with
this attack.

Method - While using the sword against it, sometimes it fires dart-like
objects at you. Also while attacking the core, it fires spears
from the floor.

Paragraph 4 - When you damage its surface to a certain point, it will come to a
point when it can't deflect the attacks anymore, showing its true
form. This is when it is most vulnerable.

Method - Keep firing your guns until it reveal a sphere which is its core.

Paragraph 5 - The true form is the core of its evil powers. Firearms will not
work against this core.

Method - When it reveals its core, use your guns on it.

Paragraph 6 - Its spinning attack is very accurate. Watch out for it when it
jumps high into the air.

Method - When it jumps into the air watch the following attack.

Paragraph 7 - The shadow transforms into a narrow spear like weapon, thrusting
it towards its enemy. The spear is hard enough for the player to
even stand on top it. If you succeed in standing on top of it,
there is a brief moment when the shadow cannot move. This is when
you can blast all the lead you have!

Method - Watch it shoot out the spear.

Paragraph 8 - The Shadow will go into a state of shock if you succeed in
standing on top of its spear. When this happens the spells also
lose their barrier effectiveness and allows the bullets to go
right in. In another words, if you are able to blast enough
bullets during this state of shock, you can defeat the enemy
without trying to attack it's core directly.

Method - When it gathers energy to shoot the spear, stand still. Then time
your jump so that it shoots where you were standing. This will
allow you to land on top of the spear. Now fire your guns. Its
very difficult to do enough damage in one go and may require many
attempts. It may help if you engage Devil Trigger.

2.7 Beelzebub

Paragraph 1 - This evil sprit inhabits the body of a fly. Its hideousness is not
too difficult from its appearance and movements.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - The blue Beelzebubs vomits what appear to be maggots, but they are
really a form of evil power that prevents you from firing when in
contact with it.
In this case, you should switch your weapon to a sword.

Method - Let the maggot's land on you.

Paragraph 3 - The large green Beelzebubs serve as an evil power supply for the
blue airborne Beelzebubs. They seem to be stronger, since they
have larger physical mass.

Method - Encounter the green Beelzebubs.

Paragraph 4 - The green Beelzebubs feed on the dead and absorb their evil
powers, and become even stronger. After feeding they become agile
and more dangerous.

Method - Witness it feeding.

Paragraph 5 - Never turn your back to the Beelzebub. It will grab you with its
frontal limbs and try to break your back.

Method - Have your back to it and let it leap onto you.

Paragraph 6 - It is most vulnerable after being hit, when it is on its back.
Blast it with an aerial attack, but watch out for the poison it
spits out.

Method - Shoot or slash it to turn it onto its back.

2.8 Phantom

Paragraph 1 - This is one of the servants of the Dark Emperor. Inside its
exoskeleton body is hot molten lava. Not only is the shell hard,
it also protects it from magical attacks as well.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - It releases its magical powers with its mouth. This opening is the
monster weak spot.

Method - Watch it open his mouth.

Paragraph 3 - Coiled on its back is a deadly tail that will thrust its stinger
with amazing speed. Keep your distance to avoid being stabbed.

Method - Watch it attack with its tail.

Paragraph 4 - It can summon the dead by plunging its head into the ground. The
dead will awaken in the shape of fire pillars which strike from
the places where the ground lights up. Run and jump to avoid this

Method - Wait for it to plunge his head into the ground then watch the
following attack.

Paragraph 5 - It can charge its powers and unleash fires of evil from its mouth.
Rolling seems to work well in avoiding this attack.

Method - Watch it release a fireball from its mouth

Paragraph 6 - When its anger is at its peak, it'll shoot fireballs from its back
like a volcanic eruption. Concentrate and dodge this attack.

Method - Wait for it to shoot the fireballs from its back.

Paragraph 7 - The body's topside is also vulnerable. If you want to prove
yourself as a true Devil Hunter, close in on the enemy and attack
him from above.

Method - Jump onto its back and shoot or slash him.

2.9 Kyklops

Paragraph 1 - Although they appear similar to the Phantom, they are still one of
the low-class evil spirits. However, since they take on earth and
rocks as host elements, they have substantial durability. Contrary
to their appearance, they have superb leaping abilities.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - They can shoot rocks from their mouths, which they form by eating
dirt. Try to avoid standing in front of them whenever possible.

Method - Watch it shoot rocks from its mouth.

Paragraph 3 - Although their armor is made from rocks, it doesn't compare to the
armor of the Phantom. Use the Devil Trigger to bash the monster
along with their armors.

Method - Attack the enemy.

2.10 Nelo Angelo

Paragraph 1 - The knight in dark armor is well versed in the same art of combat
as Dante's. Everything about this knight remains a mystery.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - It is able to converge surrounding energy and release it. Be ready
for when you see the light emission that always precedes it.

Method - Watch him release the attack.

Paragraph 3 - With extraordinary strength he wields a great sword. It is a wise
strategy to keep your distance and wait for an opening when he
starts swinging viciously. If you time your sword swing with his,
you'll be able to block him, creating an opportunity for attack.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 4 - He uses a special displacement method to instantaneously move from
one place to another. Determining where he'll appear next is a
difficult thing to do. Keep calm and focus your attention on where
he will reappear.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 5 - The powerful attack he executes after he takes his upper sword
stance is almost impossible to stop. It's unwise to go head to
head at this time. Use your speed and agility to dodge this attack

Method - Watch it use the move. 3rd encounter only.

Paragraph 6 - By determining which way the phantom blades target, they can be
easily dodged.

Method - Watch it use the move. 3rd encounter only.

Paragraph 7 - The phantom blades protect the knight by circling around him.
Destroy the phantom blades and create an opening to attack.

Method - Watch it use the move. 3rd encounter only.

Paragraph 8 - The pendant that Nelo Angelo wore was the same as Dante's. It
brings back faint memories of his youth.

Method - Defeat him. 3rd encounter only.

2.11 Blade

Paragraph 1 - They are soldiers created by the Dark Emperor to take control of
the surface. They use a kind of reptile as a host body, thus
having much lizard-like characteristics.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - The round shield on their forearm is reinforced with evil powers
and deflects most attacks. Their defense is good against attacks
that come from above, but not so for the attacks that come from

Method - Attack the shield.

Paragraph 3 - The mask they wear protects them well against bullets. You can
either destroy the mask quickly or go around the enemy to attack
it from other angles.

Method - Use firearms against it.

Paragraph 4 - They can pressurize their blood, concentrate it to their claws,
and shoot them out like missiles. When you see them take the
stance to fire, do your best to dodge them.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 5 - When they notice that their pray is weakening, they will with out
mercy, come to finish you. Remember to always be on guard.

Method - Let it hit you when your lifebar is in the red zone.

Paragraph 6 - Relying on their superb agility, they are capable of moving freely
underwater, as if they were aquatic organisms.

Method - Encounter it underwater.

Paragraph 7 - They have tremendous jumping ability and their lower body strength
is present in their underwater ability. Their spinning attack is a
deadly one.

Method - When underwater, let it hit you with the attack while your lifebar
is in the red zone.

Paragraph 8 - Possessors of superior agility, the Blades can resume their
positions even when they're struck up into the air. Trying to
defeat them with monotonous attacks will be a difficult task.

Method - High Time the enemy and juggle it.

Paragraph 9 - Even Blades equipped with masks, claws, and agility will not stand
a chance when they are put off balance. Attack from behind and
take them down face first. Then attack from the air to finish them
for good.

Method - Knockdown the enemy, then jump slash to kill it.

Paragraph 10 - Their weak points lie beneath the armor they wear, which protects
them from most attacks. However, not all their vulnerable parts
are covered. It is safe to say that by attacked exposed areas,
you can inflict a lot of damage.

Method - Attack the enemy from behind.

2.12 Griffon

Paragraph 1 - This gigantic bird-like monster is another servant of the Dark
Emperor. It uses wind and lightning as its weapons.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - Its electricity attacks can be dodged by jumping. Watch out for
this attack when the Griffon flaps its wings and tries to keep

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 3 - The bands of electricity are very accurate. Avoid it by using your
Devil Trigger techniques like aerial attacks and hovering in the

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 4 - He can concentrate a curtain of red bolts towards you. It may seem
as if there's no way to dodge them, but if you keep your cool as a
Devil Hunter, you will find a gap between the bolts.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 5 - Just because the Griffon is far away doesn't mean you're safe from
his attacks. He will charge towards you with his quick feet and
damage you with an intense snap of his beak.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 6 - He will drop energy balls like a bomb as he glides in the air. Try
to anticipate where they will fall to avoid being hit.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 7 - The Griffon's dangerous physical attack is intensified by it's
ability to control wind power. When he flies high into the air and
out of sight, watch out.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 8 - The Griffon will release red energy wings that can attack you from
anywhere ignoring the objests in its way. Use the shape of the
ground to your advantage to dodge it.

Method - Watch it use the move. 2nd encounter only.

Paragraph 9 - The magic circles absorb the evil spirits from the lighting to
release a powerful electrocution attack. When this attack is
released, a wise countermeasure is to concentrate on dodging.

Method - Watch it use the move.

2.13 Sargasso

Paragraph 1 - They hide between the edges of the sea and the Underworld, waiting
to feast on stray wanderers. The spirits the victims are destined
to wander the endless sea of the Underworld.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - They will move quickly and feast on any life form that they sense
nearby. They will show their true from only when they attack.

Method -Approach the enemy.

2.14 Nobody

Paragraph 1 - Their level of intelligence is low. Hence, their kind wasn't given
a name. But their skill to survive is a force to be reckoned with.
After all, they have survived this extreme world of survival of
the fittest.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - The strange dance that they do somehow skews the dimension and
takes away your magical powers (Devil Gauges). There is no real
way to prevent this. When you encounter these evil spirits, you
must not rely on your magical powers.

Method - Watch it suck your Devil Gauge.

Paragraph 3 - When you destroy the mysterious mask they wear, they will increase
their body size along with their strengths. You as a Devil Hunter
will have to decide which size of Nobodies you should eliminate

Method - Destroy the mask.

Paragraph 4 - Their ultra-high metabolism causes them to drop decomposed
products of their bodies that appear like eyeballs. These
eyeballs will explode spurting the toxins that it encases.

Method - Watch it release an eyeball.

Paragraph 5 - Sometimes they will grab the eyeball and throw it towards the
player. Keeping your distance away from them doesn't mean you're

Method - Watch it throw the eyeball.

Paragraph 6 - Be careful of their giant arm that grows from their back. If you
are not careful, they'll grab you with the giant arm and hurt you

Method - Let the larger Nobodies grab you.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 7 - Their jump attack is so fierce, if you're hit, you'll fly back
quite a distance. Especially be careful when they charge and dodge
your attack. Do your best to avoid being hit with this jump kick.

Method - Let the attack hit you.

Paragraph 8 - When they die, they explode into pieces. Since the Nobody's body
is a living toxin, stay away from them even when they dying. If
you don't keep your distance, their toxic flesh will hit and
damage you.

Method - Watch it explode.

2.15 Fetish

Paragraph 1 - Although they appear similar to the Marionettes, they have much
greater evil powers. They are not the works of a man, but they
appear to have been created by an evil entity.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - The strange weapons engulfed in flames are projected like yo-yos.
Even if you dodge the first pass, watch out for the second pass.

Method - Watch it throw the weapons.

Paragraph 3 - Using their speed, they will grab the player's head with their
bird like beaks. Wiggle the Left Stick on the controller to shake
them off.

Method - Let it leap onto you.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 4 - They will make an evil war cry to immobilize those near them. When
a pray is immobilized by their attack, the others will
relentlessly attack the pray without mercy.

Method - Method - Get caught in the 'sphere' of the war cry.
NOTE - You must have Devil Trigger off.

Paragraph 5 - The flames that shoot out from their mouths difficult to avoid.
Since they are smarter then the Marionettes, monotonous attacks
will only make them retaliate with their flames.

Method - Watch it shoot the flames.

2.16 Frost

Paragraph 1 - They are soldiers created by the Dark Emperor to take control of
the surface. Enveloped in cold air they are the elites of their
kind. Their quickness is a definite advantage in cornering their

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - The cold honed claws are none other then an ice blade. The air
around the blades is beyond absolute zero temperature and the
victims who are slashed will die without feeling any pain.

Method - Let it slash you.

Paragraph 3 - The claws will become icicles that shoot out as deadly
projectiles. To dodge after they've been fired is almost
impossible. Anticipate their movements to avoid being shot.

Method - Watch it shoot out the icicles.

Paragraph 4 - It's unwise to think you're safe just because you've managed to
sneak behind the enemy. Remember that their claws don't always
fire forward.

Method - Get behind the enemy.

Paragraph 5 - They will release their intense coldness using the ground to
channel the coldness. Listen carefully for the freezing sound of
the ground and dodge to the sides.

Method - Get some distance between yourself and the enemy and watch the

Paragraph 6 - They will freeze the moisture in the atmosphere with their
radiating coldness and transform it into many sharp ice spears.
You should be able to sense this attack. Otherwise, you'll fall
victim to their ice spears.

Method - Stay close to the enemy and watch the attack.

Paragraph 7 - They can disperse their body at molecular levels that allow them
to travel through air. However, They can only travel in straight
directions. Anticipating where they will appear may help you in
winning the battle.

Method - Watch the move.

Paragraph 8 - If enough damage is inflicted, their body parts will shatter. Keep
on damaging and stop them from regenerating their lost parts.

Method - Attack the enemy.

Paragraph 9 - They will try to regenerate their shattered body parts by freezing
atmosphere. Destroy the ice formations as quickly as possible.

Method - Damage it enough and it will perform this move when left alone.

Paragraph 10 - Although impervious even to volcanic fire, the frosts are weak to
higher forms of incendiary. Use the hellfire of Ifrit to counter

Method - Use Ifrit gauntlets.

2.17 Nightmare

Paragraph 1 - It's a bio weapon created by the Dark Emperor. Its properties
consist of inorganic substances. Like a machine, it obeys the
commands of the Dark Emperor. Whether it has a consciousness, is

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - Nightmare-Beta is a similar weapon to the Nightmare. Hence, the
weapon has no effects against it.

Method - Use Nightmare-Beta against the enemy.

Paragraph 3 - The embossed circles on the floor are restraining tools used to
restrain the Nightmare from overriding. Once the Nightmare is
restrained, it will encase itself in a hard armor. But it will
show its core from time to time almost as if it's breathing. To
damage the Nightmare, it will have to be in this form.

Method - Attack the circles on the wall.

Paragraph 4 - When you are surrounded in its gel like form, you will be
teleported into an evil dimension. You must destroy the evil
spirits that rule the dimension. The evil is a reflection of
Dante's trauma rests in his subconscious.

Method - Let the gel like form engulf you.

Paragraph 5 - The round attachments on its body act like a machinegun and fires
small energy forces. The damage of each hit is small but when hit
repetitively it can do substantial damage.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 6 - It can detach a part of its body and project it in the air like a
boomerang. The spinning blade only travels in a routine trajectory
so watch carefully to its movement and find an opening to attack!

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 7 - Avoid getting close to it's sides whenever possible. Its defensive
reflexes will activate and a spear-like object will thrust out to
eliminate whatever is in the way. If you time your attack with
sufficient impact, you'll be able to create a chance for your

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 8 - The white light that's released from the core travels along the
ground then pans sideways. Dodging to the sides could be a
dangerous move.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 9 - The black gel-like things that it releases will wreathe themselves
to the prey and freeze them. Wiggle the Left Analog Stick to shake
them off.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 10 - The homing projectiles can be shot back with your gums. Once the
missiles lose their target, they will return to the Nightmare's
core and damaging it.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 11 - When it changes to its net-like formation, slash away at the
stems and escape quickly. Critical damage is the fate that awaits
if you fail to escape.

Method - Get underneath the enemy and let it use the move.

Paragraph 12 - The Nightmare releases its most lethal attack from the hatches on
the ends. The intense coldness is the gathered cries of the dead
it'll freeze even magma. When the hatches start to open, do your
best to avoid being hit.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 13 - The Nightmare possesses several cores. Each time a core is
destroyed, it's self defense mechanism activates and its attack
formation will change. Watch closely for the attack formation

Method - Watch it reveal the cores.

Paragraph 14 - The core has the power to absorb magical powers and it does not
exclude Dante's powers. If it starts to absorb, damage the core to
stop the absorption. When it absorbs enough magical powers, it
will activate its own Devil Trigger and start attacking with
tremendous force.

Method - Watch it use the move.

2.18 Plasma

Paragraph 1 - They are electrical evil spirits transformed into the shape of

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 2 - When they are in the form of bats, they fire blades of
electricity. Be ready when you see them start to charge up light.

Method - When in bat form, it will use the move.

Paragraph 3 - They have the ability to copy and transform into the shapes of
their opponents. Not only do they copy their shapes but they also
have the ability to imitate their behaviours as well.

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Paragraph 4 - The charged electricity that fires from their eyes is dangerous.
The electricity travels horizontally so if you sense danger, jump
upwards to avoid being hit.

Method - Watch it use the move.

Paragraph 5 - The Plasma will separate without warning. How they separate is
unknown. Even after separation, they have identical abilities and
fully recovered energy. The only way to stop them from multiplying
is to eliminate all of them almost simultaneously.

Method - Attack the enemy.

Paragraph 6 - Plasma is an embodiment of evil electricity. Thus, the use of
Nightmare-beta against it is useless. It's ability to manipulate
ambient energy will only bend the light, not damaging it at all.

Method - Use Nightmare-beta against the enemy

Paragraph 7 - Alastor is the form of "Spirit of Lightening". It only obeys
commands of the chosen one. Hence, the powers of the Alastor do
not work effectively against the Plasma.

Method - Attack the enemy with Alastor.

2.19 Mundus

Paragraph 1 - Ruler of the Underworld, Dark Emperor Mundus! You've been waiting
for this moment. Finish him once and for all!

Method - Encounter the enemy.

Nota: hasta ahora el mas dificil de todos los jefes es neo angelo del nivel 18 en dificultad dante debe morir T.T