Matricula de NFS Most Wanted (Duda)


diciembre 1, 2011
En el multijugador aparece en tu matricula abajo a la izquierda una insignia dorada que esta a 0. Alguien sabe que hay que hacer para que aumente de nivel por decirlo de alguna manera(que vaya subiendo 0-1-2). Ya he ganado 2 SpeedLists en el multijugador pero no se si sera eso porque sigue en 0.


diciembre 15, 2010
En el multijugador aparece en tu matricula abajo a la izquierda una insignia dorada que esta a 0. Alguien sabe que hay que hacer para que aumente de nivel por decirlo de alguna manera(que vaya subiendo 0-1-2). Ya he ganado 2 SpeedLists en el multijugador pero no se si sera eso porque sigue en 0.
La matricula se personaliza a tu gusto... no aumenta ni nada, no es tu nivel, sirve para ponerte cosas y vacilar online xDD :victoria:



diciembre 1, 2011
La matricula se personaliza a tu gusto... no aumenta ni nada, no es tu nivel, sirve para ponerte cosas y vacilar online xDD :victoria:

Pero no me refiero a eso. En la matricula sale tambien tu nivel online en la parte inferior derecha pero en la izquierda sale tambien una insignia dorada con numeros que esta 00 y he visto a gente con 02 o 04, etc. Y quiero saber que hay que hacer para que aumente.


diciembre 15, 2010
Pero no me refiero a eso. En la matricula sale tambien tu nivel online en la parte inferior derecha pero en la izquierda sale tambien una insignia dorada con numeros que esta 00 y he visto a gente con 02 o 04, etc. Y quiero saber que hay que hacer para que aumente.
Eso si es el rango online, pero te pegaras la vida para subir nivel en ese juego...

Aqui te dejo como subir cada nivel, pero esta en ingles, no puedo darte gran cosa por que o personalmente juego por trofeos, si no te sirve tendras que esperar a que otro usuario te explique mejor.


Heat Level 1: (Local Involvement)
Police cars used: Standard Police Cruiser (aka, Crown Victorias)
Maximum number giving chase: 5
Each chase you: 5

This is the easiest pursuit to get around; you can usually just floor it and
get away. Not much to say about this one.

Heat Level 2: (local Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Undercover Police Cruiser
Maximum number giving chase: 10
Each chase you: 6

This level is a little tougher than level one, but is still manageable.
Standard Roadblocks will start to be used here, as well as rolling

Heat Level 3: (State Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Pontiac GTO Police Cruiser
Maximum number giving chase: 15
each chase you: 7

The joy ride is over. The police switch to GTO interceptors, which are
faster and are tougher to disable. This level also sees the introduction
of the Rhino SUV, which will ram you head on.

Heat Level 4: (State Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Pontiac GTO Undercover Cruiser
Maximum number giving chase: 20
each chase you: 8

Now it gets real. This Heat Level will see the introduction of the Police
Helicopter, which will track your movement in the pursuit, if you're in it's
field of vision, you cannot escape and the police will find you. Also, the
Roadblocks will get a nasty new device: the Spike Strip. Hitting a spike
strip disables your car and is an instant Busted. You cannot let your guard
down at this level; you must constantly watch the GPS and the road in front
of you to avoid being taken by surprise.

Heat Level 5: (Federal Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Chevrolet Corvette C6 Police Cruiser
Maximum Number giving chase: 25
each chase you: 8

Say hello to your worst nightmare. All the cops are sporting Corvette C6s,
all equipped with Nitrous, and are easily able to match your car's speed. It
takes some skilled driving to outrun these. You'll have to contend with them
as well as the Rhinos, Roadblocks with Spike Strips, and Rolling Roadblocks.
Even scarier, the police helicopter will start to dive on your car and will
actually try to hit it. Keep an eye open for Sgt. Cross in this pursuit, his
Corvette sports a zebra-style paint scheme that definitely stands out in any
Roadblock. Tag his car for a big boost to your bounty.

Heat Level 6: (Federal Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Chevrolet Corvette C6 Undercover Cruiser, Rhino SUV
Maximum number giving chase: 30 (indicated, but much more than that)
each chase you: 9

Now it's personal, Cross wants you taken down no matter what, and has called
every cop car in Rockport and everywhere else to bust you. SUVs and Cars
will ride you everywhere you go, waiting for you to make one mistake so they
can sandwich you and take you out. Nowhere is safe, and there's no escape,
it'll take every dirty trick in the book to get away.

Heat Level 7: (Federal Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Supercharged SUV
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 35
each chase you: 9

This is worse than hell. All the cars are Supercharged SUVs, faster and
heavier versions of the Rhino, and they're all chasing after you. If you are
surrounded, there is no getting away, as the mass of the Super Rhinos are too
great for your car to move if you are trapped. To win this challenge, you
have to rack up 500,000 in bounty and successfully get away. It'll take every
trick in the book to live though it, good luck, you'll need it.

Heat Level 8: (Federal Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Supercharged SUV Undercover
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 40
each chase you: 9

First it's bad, The Supercharged SUVs are undercover, surprise, fast, same as
Regular SUVs, expect their really stronge and the hard part is, they box you
you get busted easy from this. you have to, stay on highway, everytime. good
luck, you need to hit lots of speedbreaker.

Heat Level 9: (Surpsir Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Dodge Viper GTS Police Cruiser, Rhino SUV undercover
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 45
each chase you: 10

Worest than Nightmare, All the cops are now using Dodge Viper GTSs, Sgt. Cross
drives a Dodge sports a zebra-style paint scheme that definitely stands out in any
Roadblock, he drives closer to your back, SUVs well chase you as well, Roadblocks
well be everywhere, the safe is go to the golf course. and lose them.

Heat Level 10: (Surpsir Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Dodge Viper GTS Undercover Cruiser, Rhino SUV undercover, Police Truck (same as ``Enforcer'' ones from ``GTA 3'')
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 55
each chase you: 10

Now it's danger, SUVs and Cars still chase you, expect, Police Trucks join the pursuit,
worse, they call out another Police Helicopter, so your have two Choppers on your
ass. Their be using Police Trucks as roadblock at some of the Turns. if you are
surround by Three Police Trucks, their no getting away. to get away. go to every
Speed Breakers to lose them.

Heat Level 11: (Elaneit Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Ferrari F50 Police Cruiser, Rhino SUV undercover, Police Truck
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 100
each chase you: 11

Things become deep danger, meet Police Ferrari F50s, their are a lot fastest than
Dodge Vipers, SUVs and Police Trucks still be on you. Sgt. Cross well drive his
Ferrial Enzo sports a zebra-style paint scheme that definitely stands out in any
Roadblock, he this time speeds closer to you. Police well set everyroadblock at
everyturn. good Luck.

Heat Level 12: (Elaneit Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Ferrari F50 Undercover Cruiser, Rhino SUV undercover, Police Truck
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 300
each chase you: 12

this now becomes very Danger, Cars, SUVs and Police Trucks are on faster wheels,
Police Call out a Third Police Helicopter, now you have three Copters after you.
Sgt. Cross well start to take you out like the Police do. RoadBlocks well be
everywhere of everyturn, hit the Speedbreakers to lose them, this may take long
in this pursuit.

Heat Level 13: (Verntiale Involvement)
Police Cars Used: Ferrai Enzo Police Cruiser, Rhino SUV undercover, Undercover Police Truck
Maximum Number Giving Chase: 900
each chase you: 90

This is Dangerest, worsest than Hell, now Lots of Cars, SUVs, Trucks well start
chasing you everywhere you go. Police Helicopters well start droping bomb Barrels
at you. dodge them, if hit one, your car well flip and if the Police are near, there
no getting away. Sgt. Cross is super tough and well push your car off the rode.
Roadblocks are in everywhere in every single turn you go. lots of Spikes well be
everywhere, this well be like a show down between you and Sgt. Cross. Good Luck,
you need to hit every Speed Breakers to get away.