Letra de esta canción?

noviembre 2, 2007
La Aljorra City
Yo tampoco he podido encontrar la letra, asique he puesto lo que entiendo de la canción, no está todo pero te puedes hacer una idea. A ver si alguien saca más letra.

Cobra - Blood on your money

You take your cash on the table
and you always hadn't listened your hand
that's just the way you wanna be
¿is it living and understand?

I dont know where you came from
and your live is a mistery
you where shot from your gun and you're still on the run
just keep away from me.

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money

You do your test with the switchblade
you got us in the back of your head
let's that on the street but you dont wanted me
it is not but you keep ahead

I don't know where you came from
and your life is a mistery
she watches you in to the lastest scene
-------------- you in

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money

I dont know where you came from
and you're living in a mistery
you where shot from your gun and you're still on the run
but just keep away from me.

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
enero 28, 2010
Yo tampoco he podido encontrar la letra, asique he puesto lo que entiendo de la canción, no está todo pero te puedes hacer una idea. A ver si alguien saca más letra.

Cobra - Blood on your money

You take your cash on the table
and you always hadn't listened your hand
that's just the way you wanna be
¿is it living and understand?

I dont know where you came from
and your live is a mistery
you where shot from your gun and you're still on the run
just keep away from me.

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money

You do your test with the switchblade
you got us in the back of your head
let's that on the street but you dont wanted me
it is not but you keep ahead

I don't know where you came from
and your life is a mistery
she watches you in to the lastest scene
-------------- you in

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money

I dont know where you came from
and you're living in a mistery
you where shot from your gun and you're still on the run
but just keep away from me.

blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money
(blood on your money)
blood on your money

Gracias:D ^ ^
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