Hilo Oficial Dragon´s Crow [en proceso :D]


Smile Little Darling
septiembre 26, 2010

Nombre: Dragon's Crown
Deasarolladora : Vanillaware
Distribuidor: Ignition Entertainment
Productor: George Kamitani
Motor Gráfico: -
Saga: -
Género: Action role-playing game
Fecha de salida: Q1/Q2 2012
Plataforma: PS3,PS Vita
Mode:Single-player, multi-player
Edad recomendada:-
Formato: Bluray, Memory Disk
Página Oficial: -web oficial


LUCHADOR: Experto en combate, equipado con una completa armadura y un robusto escudo. Se jactan de ser los más valientes y defensores de todas las clases, sus escudos pueden proteger a los aliados que tengan cerca.
Sus armas de una mano puede que tengan poco alcance, pero pueden blandirlas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, rebanando a los enemigos cercanos como si fuese un tornado.
Esta increíble velocidad abruma a los enemigos incluso combatiendo sin armas.
Fácil de usar para los principiantes, son la piedra angular de cualquier equipo, ya que tiene buen nivel en todas sus características.

MAGO: Son aquellos que portan un enorme poder mágico y pueden usarlo a su antojo. Incapaces de resistir a los monstruos con fuerza física, en su lugar usan los asombrosos y poderosos efectos de sus hechizos, todos vitales para cualquier aventura.

Sus encantamientos pueden arrasar grandes extensiones de terreno, pero pronunciarlos les lleva tiempo y consumen una gran cantidad de poder mágico.
Poseen los ataques más devastadores de todas las clases, convirtiéndolos en el ataque ideal de cualquier equipo.

ENANO: Son bajos pero fuertes cuya fortaleza muscular les permite blandir un arma en cada mano.
Su fuerza les permite agarrar y lanzar cualquier cosa que vean, incluso grandes enemigos.

Lanzando enemigos consiguen dañar a varios adversarios de un solo golpe, llegando a acabar con una horda entera si es necesario. Sin embargo, son lentos moviéndose lo que puede provocar que les rodeen y queden en desventaja. Su baja defensa también hace que sea importante tener habilidad luchando con esta clase intermedia, buena para aquellos que disfrutan lanzándolo todo a su alrededor.

AMAZONA: Guerreras temerarias que no conocen el miedo y que empuñan sin ningún esfuerzo sus armas de dos manos.
Con sus poderosas armas dan lentos y brutales golpes que provocan daños letales a múltiples enemigos a la vez. Como están ligeramente equipadas son ágiles y pueden castigar a sus adversarios con poderosas patadas cuando están desarmadas.

Su velocidad y poder de ataque crece con cada enemigo al que rebanan, pero su defensa es débil.
Por encima de todo, es una clase adecuada para aquellos jugadores a los que les guste la acción y valoren sobre todo el ataque.

HECHICERA: Fascinantes mujeres con conocimientos de magia negra.
Son débiles fisicamente, pero el gran conocimiento que poseen sobre las artes oscuras no debe ser menospreciado.

Aunque no sean tan poderosas ofensivamente como los magos, las hechiceras pueden crear pociones curativas, controlar a golems y esqueletos e incluso transformar a podersos enemigos en ranas. Una clase de apoyo en todos los sentidos, pueden proveer ayuda a sus aliados de incontables maneras.

ELFA: Una raza que ha vivído desde tiempos inmemoriables en los bosques, suelen tener mucha más edad de la que puedan aparentar ante los ojos humanos.

Aunque sean delicadas y carezcan de fuerza muscular, son expertas en el manejo del arco y la flecha, usando su habilidad atlética superior para luchar sin temor desde la distancia.

También poseen una variedad de habilidades especiales, haciendo que puedan salir airosas de cualquier situación. Una clase complicada de manejar, son la mejor para aquellos que disfruten tomándose su tiempo para aprender todo su potencial específico y particular.

[Apenas hay en español así que son de fuentes inglesas, pero si que hay avances en español]​
Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown Coming to PS3 and PS Vita [2011-06-08]
Were you wondering what that "Dragon's Crown" game that appeared in Sony's PlayStation Vita trailer yesterday was all about? The game's newly opened official site has some answers!

Dragon's Crown is a new 2D Action RPG from Vanillaware, the developer that's also working on PSP's Grand Knights History for Marvelous Entertainment. Ignition is handling the worldwide publishing on this one. The official site says that it's the second Japan-produced title from Ignition (the first was El Shaddai).

Although the game appeared in Sony's PS Vita trailer reel, the official site reveals it to be in development for both PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. The game will see release in Spring 2012 and features support for 1 to 4 players.

George Kamitani is directing the game. Ignition's Kashow Oda is serving as producer.

As detailed at the official site, Dragon's Crown offers "red-hot multiplayer 2D action." Up to four players can team up via online play to work through dungeons, clearing quests and progressing through the game's story.

The lets players build up their character as they collect items, treasure and weapons from the dungeons. You'll need to build up your character to face off agains the screen-filling dragons.

The official site isn't totally clear about this, but it seems that the game's PS3 and Vita version will have cross console play. The official site says "Up to four players work together via PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita."

Dragon's Crown Originally Planned for Dreamcast [2011-06-08]
Vanillaware's new PS3 and PS Vita title Dragon's Crown is featured in this week's Famitsu through a four page interview with director George Kamitani. Here's a bit of what's leaked out from the interview via the usual flying get suspects.

The game's genre is "multi play belt floor 2D action RPG." I'm not sure what the "floor" is supposed to be, but I believe the "belt" means it's a beat-em-up.
The project got its start 13 years back after Sega Saturn classic Princess Crown. It was originally planned for Dreamcast.
Actual development did not begin until after Oboro Muramassa on Wii.
The game will have attacks that make use of stage geography.
There will be cooperative play elements. The game will support at most four players.
Vanillaware is currently seeking programmers to finish work on the project.
Kamitani says that he took the project to a number of publishers, but Ignition gave them the okay.
Kamitani is a big fan of Golden Axe and King of Dragon, and wanted to try seeing what would happen if those games were evolved while staying 2D.
Dragon’s Crown to retail for $29.99 [June 13, 2011]
Dragon’s Crown will retail for $29.99, Amazon has revealed. The recently announced PlayStation 3 / PlayStation Vita cross-platform role-playing game from the makers of Odin Sphere is listed to release by March 31, 2012.

Amazon’s pre-order price guarantee ensures the incredibly low price is final.

Dragon’s Crown will feature four-player co-op, realtime online play, character customization, and six unique classes to play.

Your Character’s Reanimated Corpse Can Appear In Another Dragon’s Crown Game [June 15, 2011]
In Dragon’s Crown, a Vanillaware developed beat ‘em up from Ignition, has a character sharing system. The warrior you create and customize can appear in another player’s game in at least two ways.

"You can give character data to a friend and even if you’re not there they can use your character in the game," Kashow Oda, Producer, explained to Siliconera in an interview. Dragon’s Crown also has a clever system where your character, more specifically its corpse, can spread virally.

"When you play Dragon’s Crown online, fallen characters leave corpses on the map. The body collection system allows players to collect these corpses from the battlefield and bring them back to town," Oda announced. "Pay a fee and you can revive these characters and use them inside your game. In a single player game, revived characters are computer-controlled NPCs and if you’re stuck you can select a more powerful character to assist you."

Now, that’s interesting. I suppose the body collection system has natural balance since weak characters will spread more often than strong ones… since powerful characters won’t die as often. However, there is an opening for an altruistic player will sacrifice their character to help newbies. Ignition also introduced a reward for dying – fame. Die a lot and you’ll be a popular Dragon’s Crown hero.

I asked Oda how many NPCs you can have in one single player party. "Right now, that’s still being decided," he answered.

Dragon’s Crown is slated for a spring launch on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

How Dragon’s Crown Will Utilize PlayStation Vita’s Touch Screen [June 17, 2011]
Sony unveiled Dragon’s Crown during their PlayStation Vita presentation at E3, but Vanillaware’s fantasy beat ‘em up is also coming to PlayStation 3. Aside being portable, how is the PlayStation Vita version different?

"On PlayStation 3, you use the analog stick [like a cursor] to select objects such as healing items. We wanted to take advantage of features on Vita, like the touch screen, so on Vita you can do the same thing by touching objects on the screen," Kashow Oda, producer, answered.

Oda then revealed a neat feature, "In addition to items, you can touch parts of the background. Walls, for example, may collapse if you touch them opening new paths."

Dragon’s Crown also features PlayStation 3 and Vita connectivity. If you have both versions you can transfer your data from a PS3 game over to Vita and continue to play Dragon’s Crown with the same character wherever you are.

We’ll have more about Dragon’s Crown next week when our interview goes live.

E3 2011: Vanillaware's latest game draws attention with car-wreck character design [June 08, 2011]
The people at Vanillaware can design an appealing video game. The developer’s last game was Muramasa: The Demon Blade, a 2D side-scrolling adventure filled with deep colors and amazing artistry. I first noticed the game as I walked past its booth at a tradeshow. The gorgeous imagery caught my eye and I knew it was something that I would be interested in. However, the team’s latest game is catching people’s eye for a slightly different reason: The female characters are car-wrecks of character design.

The game is titled Dragon’s Crown and it’s essentially an HD Golden Axe clone for the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita. Like Golden Axe, the game features a handful of muscular men and scantily clad women fighting hordes of evil creatures. Unlike Golden Axe, the female characters in Vanillaware's game are impossible to look away from due to their grotesque features that the artists exaggerated to an extreme.

Two characters particularly struck me: Sorcerer and Amazon. Sorcerer looks fairly standard except for the pair of sidewinder missiles she’s carrying around in her wonder bra and her inhuman hip-to-waist ratio. Amazon, on the other hand, is a travesty of mashed together body parts. Like watching a car slam into a telephone pole, I found it difficult to avert my gaze from the female’s rippling abdomen muscles and tree-trunk-sized thighs. Obviously, the Greek legend of The Amazons is informing Vanillaware’s take on this protagonist, but that doesn't make the image of a woman with forearms like Popeye any less alarming.

But then my initial impression faded, and the kneejerk reaction was replaced by a realization: This is refreshing and interesting. Sure, Sorcerer’s female figure and more-than-ample bosoms are exactly the standard for women in video games, but Amazon represents the antithesis. Amazon is the typical male-warrior class as a female. She looks strong and capable and frightening and there's nothing wrong with that. It’s exhilarating to find something so different from my expectations in today’s games.

While I love my comfort games, which are filled with bald space marines and special forces teams fighting against terrorists, I think I love games that shock me more. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to continue staring at Amazon until my brain can understand what I’m seeing.
Dragon’s Crown Crowning Achievement May Be Its Flexible Quest System [ July 8, 2011]
nstead of clearing stages, think of Dragon’s Crown as a game that’s broken into quests producer Kashow Oda explained to Dengeki PlayStation. Dungeons in Vanillaware’s beat ‘em up have multiple routes and you’ll have to follow specific paths to obtain items. The next time you visit the same area you may do different actions, which changes how the area feels.

Oda gave a specific example, at one point in the game you can steal an item from a boss monster. Steal the treasure and you’ll tick off the boss who will retaliate by chasing you through the stage – even into different dungeons. Oda says players have choices in the game like deciding to fight, run away, or to search for secrets within a stage. Altogether, Oda says the game has between 40-50 hours of play time.

You don’t have to complete quests alone, Dragon’s Crown has a multiplayer mode. Yes, it’s possible for everyone to be the sorceress. The game will display a players name and a color variation (red, green or pink were listed as examples) so you can differentiate who is who. Having an entire group of sorceresses turning enemies into frogs may not be the best strategy. To remedy this, Dragon’s Crown has items, equipment, and magic, which can compliment players. Oda hopes teams will discuss which party to use before tackling a quest. Fighters, for example, have high defense and can act as tanks by protecting the entire party. Dragon’s Crown has an in-game communication system too. Oda says, you can respond with "thank you", shown as a pop-up image in the game, after a fighter covers you from an attack. A single player game ends when you run out of lives.

… and then your character turns into a pile of bones. Revealed first on Siliconera, Dragon’s Crown has a bone catching system where you can retrieve the skeletal remains of other players. Bring these into town and you can revive the fallen players as NPCs in your game. There is a cap to how many bony NPCs you can retain and Oda says its in the tens. (So, somewhere between 10, but less than 100.) Like Demon’s Souls, players can leave a dying message with their corpse. A fairy and thief also follow your party around as NPCs too. They act as in-game guides.
Dragon’s Crown Interview Details Creation Of Vanillaware’s 13 Year Old Game [June 20, 2011]
After Dragon’s Crown was announced we saw through the comments Siliconera readers wanted to hear more about Vanillaware’s first HD game. I rushed over to Ignition for more information, which is how we discovered Dragon’s Crown was in development for PS3 before the announcement. I also learned Kashow Oda, producer, was on site and with a little bit of luck (and creative scheduling on both parts) we were able to meet with him.

We hope you enjoy this impromptu Dragon’s Crown interview and a look at what Vanillaware president George Kamitani has been planning for thirteen years.

Earlier I was speaking with Shane Bettenhausen and he mentioned Kamitani-san has been thinking about developing Dragon’s Crown for many years. How has the game evolve with your help as a producer?

Kashow Oda, Producer: As a publishing producer, I helped [George] Kamitani (founder of Vanillaware) from a business perspective. We discussed what platforms are best for the game and what upcoming formats are coming to the market.

Kamitani-san had an idea for this game for thirteen years. During that time, Kamitani spoke with many publishers and industry members. However, Kamitani was not able to find support for this title. When Ignition met with Kamitani we agreed to publish Dragon’s Crown.

Why did Ignition decide to publish Dragon’s Crown when so many other publishers passed on the idea?

First, we respect Kamitani’s artwork and unique style. Secondly, with online play becoming more popular, Kamitani’s idea could finally be realized. We felt now it was the time to release Dragon’s Crown, especially with Sony’s new hardware, PlayStation Vita, coming to the marketplace.

Will Dragon’s Crown have ad-hoc multiplayer like say Monster Hunter as well as online play?

Yes, it has both. Dragon’s Crown is designed for users to meet up and play with each other. We created this game so players can gather for a game and then play with each other again and develop their character further when they return home.

How can players develop their character in Dragon’s Crown?

Throughout the game, players will find weapons, which can be leveled up. Dragon’s Crown also RPG elements, but specifics have not been finalized yet.

Each class in Dragon’s Crown is different. The amazon has weak defense, but she has powerful attacks. In contrast, the fighter has high defense. The Wizard takes time to cast magic attacks. These are very strong, but the wizard needs other characters to protect him while he’s charging up. This is one of the ways Dragon’s Crown encourages cooperative play.

Will there be team attacks for say the wizard and the fighter?

Yes, we’re planning on doing something like that.

Which class is your personal favorite?

Visually, the sorceress. She is an interesting character that uses magic to turn enemies into frogs. The sorceress can also reanimate corpses and make an army of skeletons attack enemies.

Why did you want to make Dragon’s Crown for PlayStation Vita?

Due to the success of Monster Hunter in Japan, we wanted our game to have a feature where people can get together and play. Since Vita is coming out soon we thought it would be great to start with it, also because players can play with PlayStation 3 players too. That’s another advantage of bringing a cooperative game like Dragon’s Crown to Vita.

How does Dragon’s Crown utilize Vita specific features like the touch screens?

On PlayStation 3, you use the analog stick [like a cursor] to select objects such as healing items. We wanted to take advantage of features on Vita, like the touch screen, so on Vita you can do the same thing by touching objects on the screen. In addition to items, you can touch parts of the background. Walls, for example, may collapse if you touch them opening new paths. Vanillaware also wanted to implement puzzle elements into Dragon’s Crown similar to The Tower of Druaga, a game Kamitani is a fan of.

Ah, that’s interesting. Can you tell us more about the puzzle elements?

That’s one of the things we’re still discussing with Vanillaware.

Is there connectivity between the PS3 and PlayStation Vita versions?

The two games are compatible. You can play the Vita release with a friend who has Dragon’s Crown on PS3. If you have both versions, any data you saved on your PS3 can be transferred over to Vita. You can continue playing or you can give character data to a friend and even if you’re not there they can use your character in the game.

When you play Dragon’s Crown online, fallen characters leave corpses on the map. The body collection system allows players to collect these corpses from the battlefield and bring them back to town. Pay a fee and you can revive these characters and use them inside your game. In a single player game, revived characters are computer-controlled NPCs and if you’re stuck you can select a more powerful character to assist you.

Is Ignition planning on working with Vanillaware on future titles beyond Dragon’s Crown?

At this moment, we have no plans, but we would welcome working with Vanillaware again.


está en proceso :D
Última edición:


julio 23, 2010
No pinta mal la cosa habra q ver el resultado final
Un poco exagerado los bustos femeninos jeje
diciembre 17, 2010
Se agradece que hagan titulos en 2D, esperemos que no se de un batacazo como Rayman Origins, no me explico como tan buen juego vende tan poco.

Sobre los banners, si quieres mira este hilo, lleva 3 semanas muerto, pero por preguntar no pierdes nada XXXD
septiembre 7, 2007
Vaya pintaza. Como me ha recordado a los Dungeons & Dragons.
Si tiene cooperativo a 4, es compra asegurada.
Ya estoy deseando probar ese wizard.


Smile Little Darling
septiembre 26, 2010
Hilo actualizado con la información de los personajes y los nuevos banners :D


Smile Little Darling
septiembre 26, 2010

A pesar de que en un principio se esperaba que Dragon’s Crown llegase a PlayStation 3 y PlayStation Vita en Primavera, Vanillaware, desarrolladora del juego, ha actualizado su página pasando la fecha de lanzamiento de "Primavera" a "2012". Dragon’s Crown es el primer juego de la desarrolladora en Alta Definición, con cuatro jugadores en modo cooperativo, y con juego en línea en tiempo real, lo que supone todo un reto para la compañía de Osaka.
marzo 6, 2012
Me llama bastante la atención, pero sigo diciendo que su duración real y el precio, serán los factores a tener en cuenta, al menos para mí.


Smile Little Darling
septiembre 26, 2010

Amazon.com has canceled the pre-orders for the upcoming multiplatform title, Dragon’s Crown. Those who reserve the 2D action role-playing game for the Playstation 3 and PS Vita from the online retailer will receive an email stating that, because the game won’t be shipping at the expected date, the order has been cancelled. Furthermore, Amazon has also removed the listing from their website. You can check out the latest screens and artworks from Dragon’s Crown in the slideshow to the left of this article and email below (via NeoGAF):


We're writing to let you know the items listed below will not be released by the supplier on the expected date. As a result, we cancelled them from your order and your credit card wasn't charged.

Dragon's Crown

We're sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may have caused.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.


Customer Service Department

Dragon’s Crown was originally scheduled to launch for the Playstation 3 and PS Vita in North America sometime during the spring of 2012.

No alarmarse xD no ha pasado nada ,es solo debido a su retraso :hola:


Smile Little Darling
septiembre 26, 2010
Vanillaware Illustrator Responds to Dragon's Crown Cancelation Rumors

Some rumors have popped up recently regarding a possible cancelation for Vanillaware's PS3 and PlayStation Vita action title Dragons Crown. A party closely related to the project has responded.

In a post at his Twitter account today, Vanillaware illustrator Shigatake wrote, "I personally can't say much, but I'll just say, 'Regarding Dragons Crown, although there are lots of rumors and conjecture, it's still in development. Please wait patiently for an official update."

Dragon's Crown was originally announced last year as a Spring release. We've heard little since the announcement.